Conversion Rate
of insights

demographics & behaviors from models

First party data is powerful, but often insufficient on its own to deliver the types of insights and performance signals marketers crave. See how Actable delivered powerful 3rd party data enrichments that generated actionable insights and unearthed significant performance signals.


A financial services publisher sought to improve free-to-paid subscription performance, but lacked differentiating predictive signals in their 1st party data set. Actable was tasked with integrating 3rd party data for the purposes of insight generation and predictive signal discovery for redeployment in the existing 1st party data set, as well as for acquisition use cases.


Actable worked with a mobile-first 3rd party data provider to create a known to unknown user match, and analyze the 1st party data set for predictive signals relevant to various 3rd party attributes including:

  • Demographics
  • Installed Applications
  • Content affinity
  • Device type

Signals between and across attributes were scored across the 3rd party data file, and users were segmented and compared to baselines for both performance and insight outputs.


  • Models were able to clearly differentiate users within the 1st party data set who were likely to convert but had yet done so, with likelihoods exceeding 5x in the top 10% of users.
  • Models offered excellent insights into demographic patterns not visible in the first party data set.
  • Models were directly applicable to the larger 3rd party data set, which could be deployed for the purposes of new customer acquisition.