
Our customer’s data infrastructure was built primarily to support data focused on wholesale and retail. As the business evolved to have an e-commerce focus, the data and technology could not deliver cross-channel customer experiences and clienteling.

There was a need to modernize their data strategy and the supporting infrastructure to enable key capabilities, such as identity resolution, customer data management, audience management, and intelligence.


  • Actable applied its use case-driven methodology to articulate data and capability needs to enable priority use cases across marketing, customer experience, and sales teams.
  • We assessed current data flows and system integrations with Actable’s maturity assessment criteria to highlight areas of need in a target state architecture, with a focus on the data warehouse and CDP infrastructure.
  • We developed a recommendation for “path to MVP”, with the objective to onboard and model priority data sets into the data warehouse to reach parity with CDP, ultimately generating cost savings.
  • Actable organized recommendations into a roadmap to highlight key activities to design and build a customer data warehouse in parallel with migrating and deprecating the CDP.


Actable presented its cross-functional recommendation to marketing, customer experience, and technology leads and drove full alignment on the target-state vision between business and technology stakeholders. The customer has begun progress towards the target state by assessing and re-designing its customer data infrastructure, including improving consent management and the ability to deliver better customer experiences in the immediate term.


Schedule a call to see how you can achieve similar results with Actable.