
Our customer’s business drove both B2B and B2C marketing strategies, which resulted in siloed data environments for vendor and marketing data management, and which did not have integrations to support reporting, analytics, and outbound activation.

Marketing activities required manual processes, which created significant inefficiencies in report creation, campaign planning, and marketing execution. This also inhibited the ability of our customer to deliver more tailored and trigger-based experiences to both vendors and customers.


  • Actable leveraged comprehensive maturity assessment criteria to evaluate the customer across 30+ Martech capabilities
  • We emphasized areas of need to explicitly support a strategy to enable both vendor and consumer marketing
  • Actable developed a recommendation, inclusive of 25+ quick win opportunities and big bet initiatives to drive value long-term
  • We assessed recommendations by effort and impact to inform a 3-year roadmap, with supporting investment and resource summary to highlight cost and resource estimates to fulfill roadmap
  • The team scoped level-of-effort and resourcing needs required to execute a big bet initiative to design and build a customer database, with priority data sources and use cases documented


Actable successfully delivered a recommendation with buy-in from both technical and marketing stakeholders.

The recommendation and roadmap drove alignment between the two functional areas, and Actable immediately acted towards the roadmap by scoping the tactical needs to design and build a customer database, inclusive of both vendor and consumer data. The customer will make progress towards its first big bet initiative by the end of 2024 while achieving quick wins in parallel.


Schedule time with one of our experts to see how you can achieve similar results with Actable.