
Actable partnered with a global news organization to assess and recommend an enterprise-wide Customer Data Platform (CDP), with Customer 360 view. The customer lacked a unified view of their customers and identity resolution, which inhibited the ability to deliver personalized experiences across their subscription, ad sales, and events businesses. Siloed technology and customer data also had a downstream impact on operational workflows that hindered the ability to scale. ​


Actable introduced its use case-driven framework to assess current capabilities core to delivering use cases across business units. Actable led discovery with 20+ stakeholders and curated workshops across the organization to address business objectives, use cases, and data and technology gaps. Discovery sessions informed a maturity assessment across 12 capabilities spanning data management, orchestration, and experience delivery (i.e. Paid Media, Email, Site) to reveal where the customer sat among industry standards.​

Actable then developed a target state architecture that contemplated Customer 360 and CDP and recommended a CDP vendor shortlist, aligned to the target state. Actable leveraged its CDP vendor evaluation framework, inclusive of RFP project plan, RFP template, and scorecard, to drive the vendor evaluation process for 3 recommended vendors. To ensure CDP vendors addressed key platform capability needs, Actable wrote 128 functional platform requirements, driven by use cases.​

Results ​

  • Actable stewarded the selection process by presenting a scoring evaluation readout, with key considerations for the customer’s selection. ​
  • The customer successfully selected a CDP vendor suitable for the business and use case needs. ​
  • Actable developed a migration and deprecation plan for incumbent solutions with overlapping capabilities to CDP​
  • Actable developed a recommendation on Customer 360 development as a parallel path to CDP implementation and adoption. ​
  • Actable partnered with the customer to identify and document use case requirements to prepare for CDP implementation of the selected vendor. ​