Lift in Loan Application Starts

The Challenge:

A financial services client wanted to increase loan applications by personalizing on-site offers based on customer data. The client had a newly installed customer data platform that enabled site-side personalization but implementing this functionality required customization not available out of the box, and additional expertise to integrate specific customer data attributes with personalized creative to create the optimal, customer experience.

The Solution:

Actable’s Marketing Solutions team engaged to execute this implementation, managing the platform customization, data integrations, and implementation. Actable also set up a testing framework with hold-out groups to support conclusive results. Efforts included:

  • Enabling content/data connectivity to power personalized offers, etc.
  • Reconciling existing site personalization features with CDP functionality to optimize impact through user experience, etc.
  • Splitting audiences into testing groups to create hold-out


Site personalization launched seamlessly a 8x improvement in customers who started an application 11x lift in completed loan applications.