Lift in Cart Recovery

It’s all too easy to leave sales revenue on the table when you can’t manage cart abandons effectively. Actable worked with a client’s development team to design and deliver cross-channel data solution that powered precise, cross-channel marketing interventions and lifted conversion rates for abandoners by over 50%.

The Challenge:

A financial services publication experiencing decreasing subscription revenues sought to re-engineer its cart abandonment user experience, with the goal of better conversion against highly qualified potential customers. To maximize offer engagement, the publisher required that the proposed solution deploy across several active channels, including on-site modals, email, Facebook, and telesales. Previous cart abandonment programs provided an expected performance benchmark of 8-12% lift over unmassaged cart abandoners.

 Solution Phase 1: Data Organization, Creation and Management

Actable worked in concert with the client’s development team to expose event-level data from their digital assets into a delivery pipeline that terminated in the client’s CDP. The CDP was in turn configured to create the relevant profile attributes as abandonment flags, and was set up to segment users into various abandon buckets, which corresponded to deployment nodes in various channels.

Additionally, the precise abandonment details were delivered end-to-end via the configured data pipeline (which utilized a custom JSON object), enabling extremely precise messaging through various channels. Since the original JSON object included not only relevant product flags but timestamps and user identifiers, the customization of the abandon message could be precisely controlled not only for messaging but for orchestration.

Solution Phase 2: Deploy and Measure

With the data flow organized, Actable subsequently focused on a deployment and measurement plan, comprised of orchestrated audiences in the CDP, messaging triggers to downstream systems, and reporting flags in site-side analytics tools. These components together solved for the ‘real world’ requirements of sending messages to users and measuring performance against the conversion baseline of non-messaged users.

In order to achieve this plan, Actable set up orchestrated audiences in the CDPs, which utilized random user splits to place users into various channel flows, thus establishing a valid randomed control across channels. Those audiences were then configured to trigger to several downstream systems including the client’s ESP and Facebook, as well as the on-site modal capability native to their CDP. Lastly, the audiences and messaging flags were distributed in the CDP to Google Big Query and Data Studio for reporting.

Measurement and Results

In coordination with the client’s marketing team, Actable’s configured audiences were integrated into the downstream systems, and the implementation of messaging flows, starting with email messaging, began to feed event-level data into the client’s existing transaction systems synchronously with a customized reporting dashboard built by Actable. Estimated results were validated by the client’s internal revenue reporting, and Actable’s dashboard visualized and exposed the lift in conversion rate from the various CDP audiences that would otherwise have remained unknown.

Results from the program were exceptionally strong – within the first week live, the program was generating in excess of 50% lift over baseline, and had contributed over $100K in incremental revenue, with additional channels such as on-site modals, still rolling out, suggesting further improvement in lift was yet to come.