million saved on SaaS fees
+ years of email marketing campaigns migrated

The Challenge

A leading publishing group implemented their first CDP in 2016 to consolidate datasets and provide better integration of terabytes of proprietary data to a network of dozens of publishers.  Use cases were centered around email marketing as the hub; however, the ESP the client leveraged was antiquated.  The client decided to consolidate its CDP & ESP offerings into a single provider who offered both.  However, 4+ years of CDP adoption and 15+ years of ESP migration needed to be incorporated into the transition.


The client hired a cross functional team of experts from Actable in order to:

  • Audit both the new and prior CDPs, and larger marketing technology stack
  • Document thousands of segments, integrations, and use cases across its 3 largest publications.
  • Develop a migration plan for mission-critical use cases.
  • Build remediations for use cases and integrations that were not well solved for by the new CDP
  • Test for continuity of use cases in the go-forward CDP.


  • Actable built a solution to deliver personalize site experiences that preserved over $500k in incremental revenue
  • Saved over $2.0mm/year in redundant SaaS subscription fees
  • Rapidly accelerated adoption of the new CDP.